Thu Feb 27

How to embed a Voicy in your blog?

Ever wondered if it’s possible to embed a Voicy on your website or blog? Yesterday Voicy released the embedding feature that allows everyone to freely embed a voicy of your choice on every website or blog. How to do this?

Step 1: Copy the embedding code

Currently, we are developing a copy button at every Voicy to copy the code necessary for embedding. Until then, it is possible to copy the following code, and replace the text ‘voicy_ID’ with the actual ID of a voicy, recognizable by the code in the URL. Find a voicy you like and embed the code underneath:

Example URL:

Embedding code (replace voicy_ID with real voicy ID)

<iframe width="300" height="140" src=""></iframe>

Step 2: Paste code into website or blog

The second step is very simple. Paste the embedding code into your website or blog. Make sure the code is pasted as html format and not as normal text. For example: In WordPress, you need to add a custom html block to add the code. The result will then look as followed:

If you have any questions, please let us know by emailing to Enjoy!