Fri Nov 27

Jack Sparrow soundboard

Jack Sparrow, played by Johnny Depp, is one of the main characters of Pirates of the Caribbean. For the ones that don’t know Jack Sparrow, Jack is a pirate with principles, looking for trouble and adventure. During his adventures, Jack is very good in making friends and enemies. The pirate is a master in manipulating people to do what he wants.

Thanks to the amazing performance of Johnny Depp, Jack Sparrow provides many unique and typical situations where he uses his charm to get his way. This gives us many different quotes and lines that we can use as sound clips. We created an official soundboard selecting Jack’s greatest sound clips. Below, we present you our top 3 pick. Check this link for the full Jack Sparrow soundboard.

No! Not good! Stop! Not good! – Sound meme # 3

Jack Sparrow is a drinker, as many of the pirates were in those days. Particularly, he loves rum. When Jack is stranded on an island with a full stock of rum, that is being burned to ground, Jack desperately shouts “No! Not Good! Stop! Not good!”.

Do you think that robbing a bank is easy? – Sound meme # 2

With Jack Sparrow, everything seems to come easy. With every adventure, every challenge, and every opportunity he takes on, he just seems to manage it. Ironically, Jack is asking this rhetorical question: “Do you think that robbing a bank is easy?”

Well it’s your lucky day – Sound meme # 1

As said before, Jack talks people to his will. In many situations he tries to win people for himself so that they do what he desires them to do. Even if when it might not be a good thing for them. A perfect, and amazingly acted situation, was when Jack said “Well it’s your lucky day!”.

More Jack Sparrow sound clips?

Would you like to see more Jack Sparrow meme sounds? Go to our Jack Sparrow soundboard and check it out.